...or is that possible?
I am very new to cryptography! But, I think it's very interesting!! I have autism and numbers "are my thing" :)
I already understand a couple of things. For example I know you can get the $x/y$ or $x$ or $y$ from your public hexadecimal address, but can you get anything like that from the secret exponent? Is the secret exponent the non-hexadecimal representation of your private key or is it the secret exponent in hexadecimal? I know it's a random number, but are numbers always converted to hex in this situation? Because I can't imagine graphing a hex number! So, the $(x,y)$ coordinates are on the curve $y^2=x^3+7$, right?
How can you graph that? Like, is there a program that can generate a curve and then I can actually "see" where my $(x,y)$ coordinates are? I just got a free trial of matlab this morning, but I haven't figured out exactly how to replicate that curve on there. Basically, I'm just curious to know what point I am on that curve? How do I figure that out, and how can I draw it? I am a very visual person, so I would like anything that could help to be a gui version. I'm not very good with terminal commands...unless it's very specific. Like: 1) type this exactly, press enter 2) type this exactly, press enter....etc...
Also, if anyone can recommend a program to help me learn some modular math, how to figure out inverses and multiplicatives of primes, and all that other fun stuff? Thank you! :)
Edit: It is possible I did not phrase this question correctly or put it in the right place. (is that what the -1 means?) Feel free to correct me or move this if need be, but do help please.