If I have a compromised random source and a cryptographically secure one, is hashing them together makes a cryptographically secure random output?
The compromised random output: ABC
The cryptographically secure random output: DEF
Hashing them together:
printf 'ABCDEF' | sha512sum
Is this hash a cryptographically secure random output?
If I am not clear enough, please ask and I will update the question.
cryptographically secure random output
as the input isn't 100% random and therefore not even close to a cryptographically secure input. I lack the time to write up a full answer, but to get an idea what I'm talking about, check one of the many examples out there – like, for example, the "Bitcoin Brainwallets" fiasko. Summa summarum: a cryptographically secure hash is not some magic sauce you simply put on top of something flawed to make it secure. That's not how it works! (Besides, thatcompromised random source
you mention represents a pretty good attack vector.) $\endgroup$