Suppose the following PRG $G : \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{n +l}$, I want to prove that $G$ is one way function (and not building one), for:
- $l = \omega (\log n)$
- $l = 1$
For $l = \log n$, suppose that $G$ isn't OWF, so there's an inverter $A$ which succeeds w.p. $\geq 1/p(n)$, trying to build a distinguisher $B$ from inverter $A$ to $G$, I can do as follows:
$B(y)$ assigns 1 to each input successfully inverted. So $\Pr[B(y) = 1 : y = f(x) = G(x)] \geq 1/p(n)$, and for random input $\Pr[B(U_{n + \log n})] \geq 2^{n}/2^{\log n + n}$. All in all, the distinguisher succeeds w.p.
$$|\Pr[B(y) = 1 : y = f(x) = G(x)] - \Pr[B(U_{n + \log n})]| \geq 1/n - 1/p(n) \geq 1/2n$$
But for $l=1$, I get a bound of $1/4$ ($1/2 -1/p(n) \geq 1/4$)... It doesn't feel correct, but does (?) follow the definition of distinguisher for PRGs.
What am I missing?