I've implemented an "encryption" algorithm that uses the deterministic chaos of an extended logistic map:
$x_{n+1}= r_n \cdot x_n \cdot (1-x_n)$
$y_{n+1} = \begin{cases} \text{$x_n+y_n$} &\text{if $x_n+y_n<1$}\\ \text{$x_n+y_n-1$} &\text{if $x_n+y_n\ge 1$}\\ \end{cases}$
$r_{n+1} = 3.57 + \left(0.23\cdot\sqrt{x^2+y^2}\right)$
The data is first chunked into $256\cdot64$ bits which I visualise as "squares". The initial values of $x,y,r$ are determined per-chunk by sampling bytes in a SHA-256 hashed key-data pair mixed with a hash of the index of the data chunk. I then map $x,y$ values from the range of the unit square to specific bits in the chunk and flip those bits iteratively, $(256\cdot64)^2$ times per chunk.
I am now looking to increase the performance of this algorithm, and I had an idea to apply some kind of chaotic "surface" to each chunk, sensitive to initial values. I would then only need to compute the value of this surface once per bit with a single function to spread the chaos over each chunk.
Having browsed Wikipedia's list of chaotic maps, I couldn't really seem to find anything that fit what I had in mind. Are there any known functions that might yield a good result?
Edit: After suggestions that chaos theory isn't possible to make secure, I wanted to find out whether other algorithms exist that use chaos theory. Apparently there is a large quantity of literature on this topic, especially focused on image encryption. Could someone explain the main sources of insecurity in a chaos theory based encryption algorithm?