Here is a list of differences of these KDF's in various standards, taken from Analysis of ECIES and Other Cryptosystems
Based on Elliptic Curves written by V. Gayoso Martínez, F. Hernández Álvarez, L. Hernández Encinas and C. Sánchez Ávila.
Unfortunately it is missing KDF's that are defined for X9.42: DH over a multiplicative group. It seems to define two KDF's, where the concatenation based KDF is compatible with ANS X9.63 specified below.
X9.42 also seems to define an ASN.1 based KDF as specified in RFC 2631: Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Method, so that one is incompatible with KDF1 and KDF2 as the counter is included in the ASN.1 structure.
ANSI X9.63 allows to use an arbitrary parameter as an
input to the KDF function, but does not mention the content
of that optional parameter. In comparison, the so-called
DHAES mode in IEEE 1363a mandates to use the
binary representation of the sender’s public key as an input
ISO/IEC 18033-2 does not allow parameters in the KDF
function, whereas IEEE 1363a allows the usage of parameters
in that function.
IEEE 1363a suggests to use always the same set of parameters
and functions for a given public key. In comparison,
ISO/IEC 18033-2 mandates not to change under
any circumstance those parameters for the same receiver’s
public key.
ISO/IEC 18033-2 does not allow input parameters in the
KDF function, whilst SEC 1 allows to include this additional
information, even though in the test vectors included
in the GEC 2 document [32] no additional parameters
have been used.
SEC 1 does not explicitly include the sender’s ephemeral
public key in the KDF computation. However, it mentions
that the public key could be one of the elements
used as input parameters in that function.
The main thing to take from this is that the official KDF1 and KDF2 as defined by ISO do not take parameters, so the answer of orip is correct.
However, sometimes it makes sense to do include parameters, e.g. to let the KDF generate multiple keys from the same key input material (the original versions of the key agreement specifications split the output in two separate keys, a MAC and ENC key, of which the order differs, this is more efficient but less neat). So for that reason I'll include ANS X9.63 KDF below; it should be compatible with KDF2 except for the additional $\text{SharedInfo}$.
The SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography, May 21, 2009, Version 2.0 standard defines the X9.63 KDF. The fact that a draft 1.99 of the paper states that X9.63 is still in draft phase at the time of writing shows that these documents were generated in parallel.
3.6.1 ANS X9.63 Key Derivation Function
Keying data should be calculated using ANSI-X9.63-KDF as follows:
Setup: Select one of the approved hash functions listed in Section 3.5. Let $\text{Hash}$ denote the hash
function chosen, $\text{hashlen}$ denote the length in octets of hash values computed using $\text{Hash}$, and
$\text{hashmaxlen}$ denote the maximum length in octets of messages that can be hashed using $\text{Hash}$.
Input: The input to the key derivation function is:
- An octet string $Z$ which is the shared secret value.
- An integer $\text{keydatalen}$ which is the length in octets of the keying data to be generated.
- (Optional) An octet string $\text{SharedInfo}$ which consists of some data shared by the entities
intended to share the shared secret value $Z$.
Output: The keying data $K$ which is an octet string of length $\text{keydatalen}$ octets, or $\texttt{“invalid”}$.
Actions: Calculate the keying data $K$ as follows:
Check that $|Z| + |\text{SharedInfo}| + 4 < \text{hashmaxlen}$.
If $|Z| + |\text{SharedInfo}| + 4 \ge \text{hashmaxlen}$,
output $\texttt{“invalid”}$ and stop.
Check that $\text{keydatalen} < \text{hashlen} × (2^{32} − 1)$.
If $\text{keydatalen} \ge \text{hashlen} × (2^{32} − 1)$, output
$\texttt{“invalid”}$ and stop.
Initiate a 4 octet, big-endian octet string $\text{Counter}$ as $\texttt{00000001}_{16}$.
For $i = 1$ to $\lceil \text{keydatalen} / \text{hashlen} \rceil$, do the following:
4.1. Compute:
$K_i = \text{Hash}(Z \mathbin \| \text{Counter} \mathbin \| [\text{SharedInfo}])$
using the selected hash function from the list of approved hash functions in Section 3.5.
4.2. Increment $\text{Counter}$.
4.3. Increment $i$ (note: probably a bug in the spec, we're already iterating over $i$).
Set $K$ to be the leftmost keydatalen octets of:
$K_1 \mathbin \| K_2 \mathbin \| \dots \mathbin \| K_{\lceil \text{keydatalen} / \text{hashlen} \rceil}$.
Output $K$.
There is also the NIST SP 800-56B specifying the aptly named "5.5.1 The Single-step Key-Derivation Function" (think of a name, guys) where they manage to put the counter in front of the keying material so that it is incompatible with all the schemes above. Although it contains a full (but pretentious and overly complex) way of specifying $\text{OtherInfo}$ (their version of $\text{SharedInfo}$) I would consider it completely useless for this reason alone.