I do understand Shor's algorithm wants the order of an element to be even so that it can use the factoring identity and find a non-trivial factor.
Not really; to factor, all you need is a value $e$ such that $x^e \equiv 1 \pmod{N}$ a nontrivial fraction of the time (and practically it would be sufficient if it holds with probability $2^{-30}$ for random $x$); it doesn't matter if $e$ is even or odd.
And Shor's will hand you such an $e$ with quite high probability.
I'm only interested in the classic-side of Shor's algorithm. How can I slow Shor's algorithm down?
You can't; or at least, not to any significant extent. If the attacker gets his hands on such an $e$, then the time taken by the classic-side of Shor's is utterly tiny compared to the Quantum side of things...
is $N=pq$ --- where $p, q$ are safe primes --- the hardest integer for Shor's algorithm?
In some odd sense, that's the easy case. If the attacker obtains any $x, e$ pair with $x^e \equiv 1$, $x \not\equiv 1, N-1$ and $e > 0$ and not ridiculously huge, it's straight-forward to factor $N$ with simple algebra. In contrast, if we select $p, q$ with $\gcd(p-1, q-1)$ large, these simple algebraic methods often don't work; the attacker might have to resort to simple number theoretical attacks (but, as above, other than taking a small amount of additional time, they don't really have a drawback...)