This is certainly possible using only standard Sigma-protocols and compose them together. But first, let's introduce the used standard Sigma-protocol building blocks:
- Equality of committed values in two Pedersen commitments
Given Pedersen commitments $P=g_1^a h_1^{r_1} $ and $P'=g_2^{a'} h_2^{r_2} $, one can show in zero-knowledge using a Sigma-protocol that $a=a'$. Note, that all generators could potentially be different in the statement.
- Equality of opening of two Pedersen commitments
Given Pedersen commitments $P=g_1^a h_1^{b} $ and $P'=g_2^{a'} h_2^{b'} $, one can show in zero-knowledge using a Sigma-protocol that $a=a'\land b=b'$. Note, that all generators could potentially be different in the statement.
- Proving the conjunction of different statements using Sigma-protocols
Given several statements $\{\mathit{stmt_i}\}^{n}_{i=1}$, it is possible to prove their conjunction, i.e. $\wedge^{n}_{i=1} \mathit{stmt_i}$. In this case, for every statement the verifier samples the very same challenge value.
For a more thorough treatment on these building blocks, please refer to this post.
Now, it should be straightforward to devise a Sigma-protocol for your statement. Let's use the notation introduced in the question. First, prover computes $P'=g_3^a h_3^{r_1}$ and shows the equivalence of openings of $P'$ with $P$. It does the same for $Q'=g_3^b h_3^{r_2}$ and $Q$. Finally, prover can show the equality of committed values for the point $P'*Q'=g_3^{a+b} h_3^{r_1+r_2}$ and $R=g_3^{a+b} h_3^{r_3}$. The conjunction of these statements can also be easily proven by sampling the same challenge value for all the constituting Sigma-protocols.