Actually, I'm reading the description about Zerologon attack from the original whitepaper document. In there, Tom Tervoort mentions these sentences:
So I tried to come up with some chosen-plaintext attacks myself and figured out something interesting: for 1 in 256 keys, applying AES-CFB8 encryption to an all-zero plaintext will result in all-zero ciphertext.
In fact, this property is a bit more general: when an IV consists of only zeroes, there will be one integer 0 ≤ X ≤ 255 for which it holds that a plaintext that starts with n bytes with value X will have a ciphertext that starts with n bytes with value 0. X depends on the encryption key and is randomly distributed.
I did a lot of web searching on this topic, but I couldn't find any explanation or proof related to those sentences.
Could someone point me in the right direction about any article, paper, document or website where mentioned properties are proved?