
I'm working on small RSA project in university. At this moment I have done this:

  1. An array of prime numbers is generated from selected range.
  2. $p$ and $q$ selected randomly from this array
  3. $n$ calculated
  4. $\phi(n)$ calculated
  5. $e$ calculated
  6. $d$ calculated

What do you think about $e$ and $d$ in that case?

  • $p = 29$
  • $q = 53$
  • $n = 1537$
  • $\phi(n) = 1456$
  • $e = 545$
  • $d = 545$

2 Answers 2


It would be disastrous if an RSA key generation procedure had a sizable probability to end with $e=d$, because in that case, the public key reveals the private key, which must be secret from a security perspective.

But $e=d$ is a symptom of a larger problem lying in steps 1 and 2 of the key generation procedure: RSA can only be secure if $p$ and $q$ are selected in a way such that factoring $n$ is hard, and that means $p$ and $q$ should be large primes. The modern baseline is $n$ of $2048$ bits, that is $617$ decimal digits, not $4$ decimal digits. For this, $p$ and $q$ are chosen randomly among a sizable subset of primes of about $309$ digits. There are over about $10^{305}$ such primes, thus generating them all then picking within that is infeasible. The right procedure is to directly generate $p$ and $q$.

With $p$ and $q$ random primes this large, and a random choice of $e$ such that $\gcd(e,\phi(n))=1$ (or a random choice of primes $p$ and $q$ with the only dependency on $e$ that $\gcd(e,p-1)=1$ and $\gcd(e,q-1)=1$, as is common practice), it's infinitesimally improbable that $d=e$, or more generally that one or a few re-encryption(s) lead to decryption. See these questions on the cycling attack.

There are RSA key generation procedures in FIPS 186-4 appendix B.3. Ignore the proposed $1024$-bit key size, which is obsolete. The proposed $2048$ is the baseline, $3072$ increasingly common, extending to $4096$-bit not unreasonable. These procedures differ from those used in the question by several points including:

  • Generating large primes $p$ and $q$ unpredictably in a prescribed interval $[2^{(k-1)/2},2^{k/2}]$, where $k$ is the desired bit size of $n$ (e.g. $3072$)
  • Requiring odd $e$ with $2^{16}<e<2^{256}$ (the lower because that acts as a safeguard against poor choices of RSA padding, the higher for interoperability and to make some other poor choices impossible)
  • Using $d=e^{-1}\bmod\lambda(n)$ (where $\lambda$ is the Carmichael function) rather than $d=e^{-1}\bmod\phi(n)$. Both are mathematically fine, but using $\lambda$ insures generating the smallest positive private exponent $d$ working for a given $(n,e)$.
  • Requiring a minimum size of $d$ (much larger than $2^{256}$, which incidentally insures $d>e$), more as a safeguard against errors than out of mathematical necessity.
  • $\begingroup$ Increasing p and q helps to make e smaller. p - 19889; q - 11579; e - 23. But I still have big d - 214516652 $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 26, 2020 at 22:15
  • $\begingroup$ See this for a recent history of record factorizations and convince you that RSA with $n$ not at least in the hundred digits is pointless in any project putting RSA to use. $d$ must be large enough, otherwise it can be found from $n$ and $e$ (see Boneh and Durfee). Practice is $d$ about as large as $n$, and $e=65537$, which is extremely small compared to $d$. $\endgroup$
    – fgrieu
    Commented Sep 26, 2020 at 22:21
  • $\begingroup$ Is there any way to do 1999^2001%347 in programming? $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 26, 2020 at 22:45
  • $\begingroup$ $1999^{2001}\bmod347$ is amenable to "programming" in all common languages. In python, that can be pow(1999,2001,347). Try it online!. It uses standard techniques in modular exponentiation to neither compute $1999^{2001}$ explicitly as the working 1999**2001%347 would do, nor perform $2000$ multiplications. Both would be feasible with this small example, but not with the much larger numbers in actual use of RSA. $\endgroup$
    – fgrieu
    Commented Sep 27, 2020 at 7:13

Although we commonly use (p-1)*(q-1) to calculate d, you can actually use lcm(p-1, q-1) [least common multiple] and get smaller values for e and d that work. Now 545 squared mod 1456 = 1, so yes the calculations are correct (if a bit weird). Try a smaller value for e, and you should values that make more sense.

  • $\begingroup$ I do not see that this answers the part of the question about $e=d$, which indeed is a disaster from a security standpoint. And what does not make sense is choosing 2-digit $p$ and $q$ in any project putting RSA to use. $\endgroup$
    – fgrieu
    Commented Sep 26, 2020 at 22:04

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