I'm reading this article, but I could'nt figure out Definition 1 (Access Structure) on page 3, section 3.1. It says:
Let $\{P_1, P_2,...,P_n\}$ be a set of parties. A collection $\mathbb{A} \subseteq 2^{\{P_1, P_2,...,P_n\}}$ is monotone if $\forall B,C:$ if $B \in \mathbb{A}$ and $B \subseteq C$ then $C \in \mathbb{A}$. An access structure (respectively, monotone access structure) is a collection (respectively, monotone collection) $\mathbb{A}$ of non-empty subsets of $\{P_1, P_2,...,P_n\}$, i.e., $\mathbb{A} \subseteq 2^{\{P_1, P_2,...,P_n\}}-\{\emptyset\}$. The sets in $\mathbb{A}$ are called the authorized sets, and the sets not in $\mathbb{A}$ are called the unauthorized sets.
First, what do they mean by access structure? And what is the power of a set of parties ($\mathbb{A} \subseteq 2^{\{P_1, P_2,...,P_n\}}$)? Is it meant as a power set? Could you give me an explanation about that, and/or give some examples?