Suppose we have a 32-bit message $ M=(m_1,..m_{32}) \in \{0, 1\}^{32} $ and we have secrets $ F_{i, b} $ and $ G_{i, b} $ (2x32+2x32=128 secrets in total).
$$ \forall 1 \leq i \leq 32, b \in \{0, 1\} : F_{i, b}, G_{i, b} \in Z_q $$
And now we define two functions $ f $ and $ g $ respectively:
$$ f(m_1, .., m_{32})= \sum_{i=1}^{32}{F_{i, m_i}} $$ $$ g(m_1, .., m_{32})= \sum_{i=1}^{32}{G_{i, m_i}} $$
We say $ h(M) = f(M) * g(M) $, and we publish the evaluations of $ h $ for every possible message, how many distinct tuples of $ (M, h(M)) $ is needed for an adversary to be able to recover the secrets $ F_{i, b}, G_{i, b} $? Or can we assume that the function $ h $ is information hiding regarding $ F, G $?
I would appreciate any references or hint about which part of the literature I should look into!
(P.S: we're doing all of this in a finite field, the implementation should use curve secp256k1/r1 in practice)