Related to this question. I'm trying to find a way to use this fingerprint system without a second pre-image attack.
Assume I have a set of elements $V = [v_0, v_1, v_2]$ in $\mathbb{F}_p$. Assume the elements of $V$ are randomly distributed over the field.
I have two random values in the field, $R_0$ and $R_1$, both non-zero.
I consider the fingerprint to be two points in the field defined by:
$P_0(V) = v_0*R_0 + v_1*R_0^2 + v_2*R_0^3$
$P_1(V) = v_0*R_1 + v_1*R_1^2 + v_2*R_1^3$
Thus the fingerprint is a vector equation $H(V) = [P_0(V), P_1(V)]$.
Is this approach safe from a second pre-image attack? e.g. how hard would it be to choose a $V'$ where $V \ne V'$ and $H(V) = H(V')$? Does the difficulty change with the cardinality of $V$?