
I am trying to wrap my head around Homomorphic encryption, specifically the HEAAN/CKKS scheme. I am reading through the publication, but I am getting stuck on page 11, namely the KeyGen and Enc functions.

My issue in understanding comes from the generation of the public key: $$ p.k.\leftarrow (b,a) $$ $$ b \leftarrow-as+e(modq_L) $$ $$ q_l = p^l\cdot q_0 $$ where $l$ denotes the multiplicative level, $0<l\leq L$, and $a$ is sampled uniformly from $R_{qL}$. For my question's sake, lets assume that a polynomial coefficient for vector $a$ happens to be $q_L-1$. When encoding a message $m$, which is defined as $$ v \cdot p.k. + (m + e0, e1)(mod q_L) $$

and $e0$/$e1$ being Gaussian errors, isn't it likely that there would be an overflow of the coefficients, causing inaccuracies in the decoded output? Should $a$ be sampled over $q_1$ (the integer modulus of level 1) as opposed to the maximum integer modulus $q_L$?


1 Answer 1


First of all, the multiplicative depth $L$ and thus the selection of your ciphertext modulus $Q_L$ is important for guaranteeing a certain number ($L$) of correct ciphertext multiplications before needing to bootstrap the ciphertext. After once selecting $L$ resp. $Q_L$, it is fixed for the scheme, i.e. all future operations/encryptions. Apart from that, $L$ is an independent parameter, which has no "impact" on the correctness of the techniques of Encoding, Encrypting, Decrypting, etc.

Now turning to what I believe is what you wanted to know: Indeed there is an overflow of $a$, i.e. the uniformly sampled "random component" of the ciphertext. Especially when you multiply $a$ with the secret key and add an error and a message $m$, you should not be able to retrieve $m$, due to the fact that they are overflowing the modulus (by far) and thus look completely random afterward (RLWE security is based on that construction). But there is a technique to protect $m$ from small errors: Encoding $m$ via a scaling factor ($\Delta$ in the paper) ensures that everything gets decrypted correctly.

  • $\begingroup$ Is it the right interpretation that not only can the public key overflow a+m, but that it is expected? Could you please elaborate on how delta affects protecting the message from overflow? I understand how it can be used to maintain precision, but I still don't see the how the plaintext message could be preserved after the encryption process, given that the addition of a results in a modular overflow . $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 21, 2023 at 3:21
  • $\begingroup$ Yes, it's mandatory. Maybe I was a bit imprecise, but you don't have to protect $m$ from the overflow, but rather from the errors. The overflow is just part of the system. Say, you work modulo $Q$ and encode $m \in {0,...,T-1}$ with $\Delta m$, and $\Delta = Q/T$. Then you add error(s) $e$ due to computations. That means, you have a ciphertext like $(a,-a*s+\Delta m +e)$. Meanwhile, you work mod $Q$ and overflow. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 21, 2023 at 11:46
  • $\begingroup$ As you decrypt the $-a*s$ part gets removed first. Then you perform a rounded integer division by $\Delta^{-1}$ and if $round(\Delta^{-1} e) = 0$, because $e$ is small enough, you retrieve $m$ correctly. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 21, 2023 at 11:54

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