For my cryptography class project in university I have selected Paillier Cryptosystem
as a course project
In key generation it says
Choose two large prime numbers $p$ and $q$
I have selected $p$ = 11 and $q$ = 17, it also satisfies the condition
$gcd(pq, (p-1)(q-1))=1$
which makes my $n$ = 187 and ${\lambda}$ = 80
and now in 3rd point it says
Select random integer $g$ where $g \in (\mathbb{Z}_n^∗)^2$
now what does it mean $g \in (\mathbb{Z}_n^∗)^2$?
there is a question What does $(\mathbb{Z}_n^*)^2$ mean? but it doesn't make any sense to me
so the first question is how can I select the random integer g?
In 4th point it says
Ensure $n$ divides the order of $g$ by checking the existence of the following modular multiplicative inverse: $\mu\ = (L(g^{\lambda}\mod n^{2}))^{-1} \mod n$
it further says
where function $L$ is defined as $L(u) = \frac{u-1}{n}$ .
can some one please help me to find out $g$ and $\mu$?
- The public (encryption) key is $(n, g)$.
- The private (decryption) key is $(\lambda, \mu)$.
with any example or link that can guide me to a correct path.