I would like to understand how secure the permutation cipher is.
I would specifically like to understand the following concrete setup: If the alphabet is $L = \{0,1,\dots , 255\}$ and $\sigma_1, \sigma_2, \dots, \sigma_n $ are permutations on $L$, then we can create a cipher by encrypting the first character in the plaintext by $\sigma_1(\sigma_2(\dots \sigma_n(a_1)))$. Then we can (like with the Enigma machine) rotate $\sigma_1$. That is if for example $$ \sigma_1 = \pmatrix{0 & 1 & 2 & \dots & 254 & 255 \\ 55 & 140 & 7 & \dots & 34 & 82} $$ we rotate so that $\sigma_1$ become $$ \pmatrix{0 & 1 & 2 & \dots & 254 & 255 \\ 140 & 7 & &\dots & 82 & 55} $$ When we have rotated $\sigma_1$ 255 times we rotate $\sigma_2$.
This means that the key basically consists of the permutations $\sigma_1, \dots, \sigma_n$.
My general questions is: How secure is this cipher? I understand that the security will depend on $n$, so if the question is too hard to answer, I would be OK with assuming that $n$ is "large enough". I also understand that this will depend on whether or not one reuses the same key several times, so
Another question is: How does the security depend on whether or not one reuses a key?
(By large enough one could just choose $n$ so that $255^n$ is greater than the size of the cipher text.)
(${\tiny\text{ I am not trying to roll my own crypto. I promise never to use this for anything serious besides trying to learn}}$)