From “Are common cryptographic hashes bijective when hashing a single block of the same size as the output” and “How is injective, inverse, surjective & oneway related to cryptography”, it is suggested that cryptographic hashes are surjective. For avoidance of doubt, surjective means this:
whereby all the hash inputs (X) correspond to a reduced set of outputs (Y). This forms holes in the continuity of the output range, and we call them collisions.
Consider any hash function like SHA-1. The size of the possible input domain is $2^{160}$ if we stick to the block size. My linked answers suggest that the output co-domain is less than $2^{160}$.
How much less exactly?
Are there any proofs or estimates to put a scale on this? I wonder if the avalanche effect has any bearing on this? This is probably extremely naive, but does anyone have anything better?