For these parameters, and if speed is not an issue, it is reasonable to build a new cipher using a balanced Feistel construct, with the strong cipher used in the round function.
With enough rounds, it is computationally indistinguishable from a perfect cipher, except for one detail: the permutation obtained is even. This is an issue if and only if the adversary can obtain $2^{20}-2$ distinct plaintext/ciphertext pairs, as this allows to determine the two remaining pairs. This can be fixed too, by swapping two specific ciphertexts for half of the keys, like in the following pseudocode example.
B = 10 // half the number of bits per block, see note
N = 8 // number of rounds, see note
key setup with a 128-bit key:
derive the AES subkeys from the 128-bit key
encipher the 128-bit constant zero with AES, and..
set X to 0 or 1, according to some bit of the result
enciphering plaintext block P, assumed to be 2*B bits
L := P>>B // extract left B bits
R := P & ((1<<B)-1) // extract right B bits
for I from 1 to N // round loop
encipher ((I<<B) | R) with AES, keep the B right bits H
L := L ^ H
exchange R and L
C = (R<<B) | L // append the halves, with R on the left
if C < 2 // swap ciphertext 0 and 1 for half the keys
C := C^X // here X is 0 or 1 as obtained in key setup
output ciphertext block C
deciphering ciphertext block C, assumed to be 2*B bits
if C < 2 // swap ciphertext 0 and 1 for half the keys
C := C^X // here X is 0 or 1 as obtained in key setup
L := C>>B // extract left B bits
R := C & ((1<<B)-1) // extract right B bits
for I from N downto 1 // round loop
encipher ((I<<B)|R) with AES, keep the B right bits H
L := L ^ H
exchange R and L
P = (R<<B) | L // append the halves, with R on the left
output plaintext block P
Note: A classic result by Luby and Rackoff ensures that as $B$ grows, $N=4$ rounds is asymptotically enough to make the cipher demonstrably safe (or just $N=3$ when the adversary has no access to decryption, which is usually a safe assumption) against an adversary restricted to $2^{(2\cdot B)/4}$ plaintext/ciphertext pairs. But here $B$ is small, and perhaps we are interested with uniform distribution of the permutations obtained. Say, the cipher is used in a lottery, to assign rewards as a function of the ticket number, and the number-to-reward mapping is revealed progressively by increasing reward; one could analyze what is assigned to the lower-reward tickets, and when two or three remain gain some little information about their likely assignment. In that case, we need $N>3$ for very small $B$, in particular $B=2$. It is easy to show that $N=4$, $B=2$ is inadequate: there are no more than $2^{N\cdot B\cdot 2^B+1}=2^{33}$ choices for { N round functions of B->B bits, one extra bit X}, this is not a multiple of the number of permutations of $2\cdot B$ bits which is $(2B)!=24$, thus some permutations are bound to be more probable than others, and detectably so with moderate effort. Also and most importantly, the non-linearity of the round functions must be allowed to spread (and would not spread at all for $B=1$, which must be excluded). Still, $N=8$ is on the safe side for $B=10$, but I lack a proof.
Note: the Feistel construction (and the Luby-Rackoff proof) assume independent round functions. This is approximated with a single AES key, by injecting the round number in the input of AES. The decision to swap ciphertext 0 and 1 is similarly derived. Care is taken that disjoint AES block ranges are used for these $N+1$ uses, and only a tiny portion of the AES block space is used.