In the 2. edition of the Modern Introduction to Cryptography, by Katz and Lindell, there is a definition for MACs;
Canonical verification. For deterministic message authentication codes (that is, where $\text{Mac}$ is a deterministic algorithm), the canonical way to perform verification is to simply re-compute the tag and check for equality. In other words, $\operatorname{Vrfy}_k(m, t)$ first computes $\tilde{t} := \text{Mac}_k (m)$ and then outputs $1$ if and only if $\tilde{t} = t$.
Then, later
It is not hard to see that if a secure MAC uses canonical verification then it is also strongly secure. This is important since all real-world MACs use canonical verification.
All of the cryptographic MACs, that I know, use canonical verification.
- Is there any non Canonical Verifiable Cryptographic MACs?
- If not, then this definition is redundant, or is this definition is defined for future MAC schemes?