I am currently reading a research paper (linked below) which mentions that a map $f:V:=GF(2^{m}) \rightarrow V$ which vanishes at 0 is APN if it satisfies the condition that it is a binary code $C_{f}$ with parity check matrix $H_{f} = \begin{bmatrix} \dots & \omega^{j} & \dots \\ \dots & f(\omega^{j}) & \dots \end{bmatrix}$ that is double-error-correcting (i.e. no fewer than 5 columns sum to 0).
From other sources that I found double-error-correcting also means that the minimum distance of the code should be 5.
However, I do not understand how all these definitions tie in together. Specifically, I do not understand how "no fewer than 5 columns sum to 0" ties in with the minimum distance of the code should be 5". Further, it would be great if anyone could clarify what "minimum distance 5" means.