How would the overall entropy look like?
If you sum algebraically, entropy $H$ is related to the variance of any variable $X$, and so for $N$ independent variables:-
$$ H \sim \operatorname{Var}\left( \sum^N X_i \right) = \sum^N \operatorname{Var}\left( X_i \right) $$
Which means the total entropy is approximately related to the sum of the individual variances, as $ \sim \operatorname{Var}(a) + \operatorname{Var}(b) + \operatorname{Var}(c) + \operatorname{Var}(r) $. If you're assuming that $a,b,c$ have low entropy (say couple/three bits), it won't make much of a difference compared to the 64 bits of $r$.
Whilst not using the same sample spaces as your example, the following is what happens to the entropy distribution when several dice are summed:-
Your input distributions will be uniform as the dice, just with three small and one much larger. The resultant convolution will be a slightly non uniform distribution. But it won't distort as far as the normal approximation in the diagram of four dice.
It makes it difficult to calculate the resultant summed entropy this way as there is no simple closed form probability equation. Consequently we tend not to do it this way.
It's also very inefficient way to convolve entropy inputs, and not done as we aim for a maximal entropy uniform distribution. Crucially you can see that the per die increase in min. entropy $(-\log_2{(p_{\text{max}})})$ is dropping logarithmically in relation to the number of dice, and $H_{min}$ is the conservative estimate of $H$ we use for system security. So you'd face diminishing returns in $H_{min}(r)$ as you add more variables to $r$.
We actually would instead concatenate the variables as $ a||b||c||r $, ignore fixed bits and preserve their entropies. The final entropy would be the summation of the individual entropies. Just remember that this is entropy, not a uniform distribution or any sort of cryptographic key. Those require further work such as randomness extraction with hash functions or perhaps a key derivation function.