I assume this is homework (I have time imagining that this is a problem that you need to solve; if it is, turn "use real RSA padding").
Since this is assumed to be homework, I'll give you the initial steps, and let you do the rest of the work.
First off, what you're asking is to find a value $m$ such that $(m^3 \bmod n) \bmod 2^{136
} = \text{"\x00"} + \text{"MySpesificString"}$; noting hat $\text{"\x00"} + \text{"MySpesificString"}$ consists of 136 bits.
Now, we are not told anything about $n$, except that it is "2048 bits", that is, it is in the range $2^{2048} > n \ge 2^{2047}$. Now, we want a value of $m$ that would work for any $n$ in this range; we can do this if $m^3 < 2^{2047}$, and so $m^3 \bmod n = m^3$
Hence, we're looking for a value $m$ for which $m < \sqrt[3]{2^{2047}} \approx 2^{682.333}$ and for which $m^3 \equiv \text{"MySpesificString"} \pmod{2^{136}}$.
That may still sound daunting; however can we find a value $m$ that satisfies the last equations modulo $2^1$? And, if we have a value $m$ that satisfies the last equation modulus $2^k$, can we find a value $m'$ that satisfies it modulo $2^{k+1}$?