For prime number generation, one can use a probabilistic prime number generation algorithm like the Miller–Rabin primality test that will yield a composite as a probable prime with probability $\frac{1}{4^r}$ for $r$ rounds. If we use $r=50$, this has probablity $2^{-100}$. This is enough to believe that it is prime due to the high probability, if the collective power of Bitcoin miners is not searching a candidate, we will not see one around.
What if we want to make sure that it is 100%? We can use the deterministic AKS primality test and its faster variants to see that it is prime or it was a pseudoprime for the Miller-Rabin. AKS primality test, however, is very slow, and that is why we use probabilistic methods.
Now, instead of AKS, we want a faster approach and use it in the RSA cryptosystem to encrypt and decrypt a message. If everything works we will assume it is prime (should we?)!
Take a well-known prime like Fermat or Mersenne primes call it $p$ and the pseudo-prime (a real one can be found if we use fewer rounds but assume that we found one with 50 rounds) and call it $\bar{p}$. Construct the RSA as usual with the exception that instead of choosing firstly $e$ then finding primes, choose a suitable $e$.
- $n = p \cdot\bar{p}$
- $\varphi{(n)} = (p-1)(\bar{p}-1)$, (actually we can use $\lambda{(n)}$)
- find $e$ such that $\gcd(e, \varphi(n)) = 1$
- find $d \equiv e^{-1} \pmod{\varphi(n)}$
and the rest is textbook RSA encryption and decryption.
- We expect that the encryption will fail since the incorrect $\varphi(n)$. Is there a pseudo message that correctly encrypts and decrypts under this pseudoprime $\bar{p}$?
- If, so, how we can find one?
- If, so, what is the probability of the pseudo messages?