Lattice Attacks
1996 - Lattice attack on the Rump Session of Crypto'96
1997 - Don Coppersmith and Adi Shamir. Lattice attacks on NTRU. In EUROCRYPT, pages 52–61, 1997. No need to find the exact secret key to be able to decrypt
2008 - Nicolas Gama and Phong Q. Nguyen. Predicting lattice reduction. In Proceedings of the theory and applications of cryptographic techniques 27th annual international conference on Advances in cryptology, EUROCRYPT’08,
It has been shown in that the ability to locate a unique shortest vector
in a lattice depends on the root Hermite factor of the lattice,
2011 - Yuanmi Chen and Phong Q Nguyen. BKZ 2.0: Better lattice security estimates. In ASIACRYPT 2011, pages 1–20. Springer, 2011.
Fastest NTRU-107. 214-dimensional lattices within $2^{42.62}$ clock cycles. Dimension of the lattice is the double of $N$
2016 - Shi Bai, Thijs Laarhoven, and Damien Stehlé. Tuple lattice sieving. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2016:713, 2016.
Best lattice attack with $2^{0.292n}$ cost.
The below are the cost estimates from the NTRU PQC team.
N |
m |
b |
Known Classical |
Known Quantum |
Best Plausible |
Space Requirement |
443 |
390 |
321 |
93 |
85 |
66 |
>$2^{66}$ |
743 |
613 |
603 |
176 |
159 |
125 |
> $2^{125}$ |
1024 |
1870 |
747 |
218 |
198 |
155 |
> $2^{155}$ |
Search attack
Searching the keyspace ${N \choose df,df}/N$ NTRU-743, we have $2^{1158}$ candidates. Impossible!
Hybrid attack
the hybrid attack is a hybrid of a lattice attack and a meet-in-the-middle search attack.
- 2007 - Nick Howgrave-Graham. A hybrid lattice-reduction and meet-in-the-middle attack
against NTRU. In CRYPTO, pages 150–169, 2007.
BKZ with classical enumeration, hybrid attack vs. uSVP
N |
hybrid attack Cost |
uSVP |
443 |
>128 |
>189 |
743 |
>267 |
>443 |
1024 |
>811 |
> 590 |
BKZ with quantum sieving, hybrid attack vs. uSVP
N |
hybrid attack Cost |
uSVP |
443 |
>84 |
>85 |
743 |
>163 |
>159 |
1024 |
>289 |
> 198 |