As of 2021, is RSA the only practical (i.e. safe, production-ready) option for asymmetric encipherment of symmetric keys at rest? ECDSA is obviously preferable over RSA in the case of signing, but (unless I'm woefully misinformed) it doesn't support key encipherment. If RSA is the only practical option at present, are there any notable efforts toward future alternatives that I should be aware of?
To be clear: I'm aware that RSA is still more than good enough today, outside of very exacting circumstances. However, I'd be remiss if I didn't at least investigate the possibility of alternatives with better long-term prospects.
The context I'm primarily interested in is asynchronous multiparty data sharing, where mutual key agreement with ECDH isn't possible due to the lack of realtime interaction between parties. That said, I'm also asking out broader curiosity, so I'd be interested in answers that are more narrowly applicable to other contexts.