In asymmetric crypto, security of schemes typically relies on some underlying problem, which seems hard to solve (root extraction for RSA, discrete log for DH, short lattice vectors for lattice-based crypto, etc.).
In symmetric crypto, on the other hand, security is ad hoc and we have to rely on heuristics such as diffusion and confusion (which are though very vague concepts).
Note that asymmetric schemes often have some symmetries, such as the multiplicative property for RSA (let's ignore the padding for now). This seems to contradict confusion. But this is not a problem for the scheme, and relying on a nice hard problem is much better than relying on heuristics.
Also, we could even build symmetric crypto from asymmetric-style primitives and the diffusion/confusion might not be fully satisfied, but it would be secure. The core problem here is that asymmetric primitives are much slower compared to heuristic symmetric primitives. That's why we resort to diffusion/confusion and other heuristics in designing symmetric crypto.