I'm using PBKDF2 to generate an ED448 signing key, and I'm trying to figure out the optimal salt size for SHA-3. I recall reading a recommendation to use a salt size equal to the PRF's internal-state block size, for PBKDF2. My understanding is that Keccak/SHA-3 doesn't use blocks the way SHA/MD hashes do. So how do I pick or calculate the salt length based on the Keccak parameters? Should iterations be increased since Keccak is faster than SHA2?
Current code:
const uint32_t SaltLen = 64; // what to pick here?
const uint32_t PBKDFIterations = 10000;
uint8_t Salt[SaltLen];
uint8_t SigningKeyBytes[ED448_KEYLEN];
RAND_bytes(Salt, sizeof(Salt));
PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC(Password, PasswordLength, Salt, SaltLen, PBKDFIterations, EVP_sha3_512(), sizeof(SigningKeyBytes), SigningKeyBytes);
I've seen the existing question from 2015 regarding using SHA-3 in PBKDF2, however that question is nearly 7 years old and I expect the recommendations to have changed since then.