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CRYSTALS-Kyber Central Binomial Distribution reference inplementation in c

In lines 8 to 10, why it does not get input bytes as it is (i.e., line 8)? It first does some changes (line 9 and 10). Do authors do this changes as we cannot work with binary form of a variable ...
user1035648's user avatar
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How to get a sample from $D_{q\mathbb{Z}+c,r}$?

In the paper Compact Lattice Gadget and Its Applications to Hash-and-Sign Signatures, the preimage sampling boils down to only n times sampling of $D_{q\mathbb{Z}+c,r}$. How can we obtain a sample ...
guangyu liao's user avatar
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CKKS encoding. Why not just use fft

I am studying the ckks scheme from this blog post. In the vanilla encoding part we want to encode a complex vector of size N to a complex polynomial of degree N-1. This of course is possible if we ...
GAlexakis's user avatar
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Difference between TFHE and CKKS?

What are the differences in parameters while implementing CKKS vs TFHE? For example modulus size, ring dimensions, bit security. Any pointers to literature would be appreciated
Green Amber's user avatar
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Do you know any library for implementing lattice-based schemes? [closed]

Good afternoon! I'm trying to write a code for a lattice based scheme (based on the SIS problem). I'm looking for a library that may help me in this task without taking care of the implementation of ...
Herbrant's user avatar
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$\epsilon$ parameter choice in lattice-based schemes

I am trying to implement Pei10 and BB13, but I am confused about what concrete parameters to use. In Pei10, Algorithm 1 takes a rounding parameter $r = \omega(\sqrt{\log n})$ as parameter, but it does ...
Gareth Ma's user avatar
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Good libraries for lattice-crypto [closed]

I'm searching good libraries to manipulate lattice tools to do cryptography. I'm mainly interested by C/C++. But I'm also interested if it is in python.
Ievgeni's user avatar
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Which parts of CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium are compatible?

The papers CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium both have been written by quite different authors. It seems that at least the key generation is very different from each other. CRYSTALS mainly seems ...
Maarten Bodewes's user avatar
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How are the constants found in the AVX2 implementation of CRYSTALS-KYBER round 2 generated?

The post-quantum lattice-based cryptosystem CRYSTALS-KYBER which has made it to the second round of NIST PQC includes two implementations: 1) a baseline reference implementation in C and 2) an ...
caesar's user avatar
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Lattices with hidden short vectors and an algorithm for a special case of the SVP

For the purpose of testing algorithms for lattice basis reduction or finding short vectors, it would be useful to have examples of lattices where short vectors are hidden, that is, a nontrivial ...
user222134's user avatar
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LWE: error and float operations

Background I'm trying to make sense of the error in implementations of LWE and R-LWE. In LWE and R-LWE error is added to vectors in lattices to make it computationally infeasible to recover any ...
floor cat's user avatar
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