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Math of Hint usage in Dilithium

For Dilithium, I understand that $$\text{HighBits}(\mathbf{Ay}) = \text{HighBits}(\mathbf{Ay} - c\mathbf{s_2}) = \text{HighBits}(A_z - c\mathbf{t})$$ The first term of the equation is performed on the ...
Gappu's user avatar
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How to reconstruct low order bits of $t$ of CRYSTALS-Dilithium from a small number of signatures?

In FIPS 204 ( "The vector $\textbf{t}$ is compressed in the actual public key by dropping the $d$ least significant bits from each ...
Jong Hyeok Lee's user avatar
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Do we need the quantum random oracle model (QROM)?

I am currently studying the proof of the Dilithium signature in the quantum random oracle model (QROM). I am curious to hear if anyone have any thoughts on the importance of having proofs in the QROM ...
Rory's user avatar
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Kyber and Dilithium explained to primary school students?

Kyber and Dilithium are post-quantum cryptographic designs, but the resources are hard to understand. Is it possible to explain those ciphers to children?
Flan1335's user avatar
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Why did NIST select Kyber and Dilithium?

NIST selected Kyber for key agreement and Dilithium for digital signature applications some days ago. But IDF's MATZOV group, in their paper, broke Kyber and Dilithium and brought the security levels ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Which parts of CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium are compatible?

The papers CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium both have been written by quite different authors. It seems that at least the key generation is very different from each other. CRYSTALS mainly seems ...
Maarten Bodewes's user avatar
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Dilithium signature scheme - Public key derivation

I was looking at post quantum signature schemes, and I came across Dilithium(, and our system currently runs on Ed25519 which based on my question can easily ...
josephnicholas's user avatar
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Why is it safe to generate the secret key and masking vectors using rejection sampling in CRYSTALS-Dilithium?

In CRYSTALS-Dilithium module lattice-based digital signatures, the secret key vectors $s_1, s_2$ with coefficients in $[-\eta, \eta]$ and the signature masking vector $y$ with coefficients in $(-\...
Naruto999's user avatar
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Dilithium signature scheme and timing attacks – Does the running time actually depend on the secret key?

The paper “CRYSTALS – Dilithium: Digital Signatures from Module Lattices” (by Léo Ducas, Tancrède Lepoint, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Peter Schwabe, Gregor Seiler, and Damien Stehlé) introduces a digital ...
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