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Why MDDH is DDH when k in Matrix D is 1?

I am reading a paper Multi-authority ABE for Non-monotonic Access Structures, when the author defines the DDH problem in preliminaries. The definition is I find it is a type of Matrix DDH when $k=1$....
Wang Xingwang's user avatar
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Questions about SIS hard problem

The definition of $\mathrm{SIS}_{q,n,m,\beta}$ problem is as below. Let $A\in\mathbb{Z}_q^{n\times m}$ be an $n\times m$ matrix with entries in $\mathbb{Z}_q$ that consists of $m$ uniformly random ...
X.H. Yue's user avatar
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One way function bulit by singular matrices

Our one-way function $F:\mathbb{F}_q^{n\times n}\times \mathbb{F}_q^{n\times n}\to\mathbb{F}_q^{n\times n}$ differs from traditional OWFs, which focus on being hard to invert. Instead, ours aims to be ...
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Hard instances of matrix factorization

Are there any hard problems related to matrix factorization? Suppose $E$ is hermitian with public eigenvectors such that $U^T\Lambda U = E$ with $U$ public but $E,\Lambda$ secret. Given $X$ secret, we ...
abrahimladha's user avatar
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Is DL difficult under the group of Unimodular matrices?

Is discrete logarithm assumed to be computationally hard in a non-abelian group as the subgroup of the general linear group under matrix multiplication formed by the unimodular matrices? The two ...
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