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Does FROST threshold signing go well with BIP340?

FROST is a popular threshold signing protocol for Schnorr-style signatures. BIP340 is a specification for an instantiation of a Schnorr-style signature scheme for Bitcoin Taproot. Specifically, they ...
mti's user avatar
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Can parties in an MPC protocol establish a shared secret with an external party?

Creating a shared secret(ECDH) with a single private key is easy: a·B = b·A Does the same apply to MPC? and if so how? Based on Gennaro and Goldfeder CCS 2018
sartoshi nagamoto's user avatar
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Which channel protocol should I use to broadcast the message between parties?

I am building the Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS) based wallet. I would like to run the each party's node separately with different host. And these nodes should be able to send the messages through ...
thant zin tun's user avatar
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Why won't a BFT protocol using simple signing/voting work?

PBFT and most consensus algorithms are more complicated than a simple voting scheme. By simple voting I mean the following: we require all nodes to sign their local copy of the state and send this ...
RevFlash's user avatar
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Time efficiency of Bitcoin Multi-signature Vs. threshold signature

I read this paper (Securing Bitcoin wallets via a new DSA/ECDSA threshold signature scheme) that illustrated that threshold signature is the best solution to avoid single point of failure but I think ...
user36877's user avatar