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Questions tagged [threshold-cryptography]

Threshold cryptography is the art of chopping a secret into little bits, so that the secret can only be learned by possessing more than a threshold number of those bits.

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About The Threshold Signature Scheme in the Paper "Threshold Cryptosystems from Threshold Fully Homomorphic Encryption"

I have read the paper "Threshold Cryptosystems from Threshold Fully Homomorphic Encryption" [BGG+17] and would like to ask about the threshold signature scheme construction in Section 8.2. ...
minh pham's user avatar
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About NIZK with Preprocessing

This is the first time I ask a question on StackExchange, so please forgive me for any mistake. I am trying to understand the paper "Threshold Cryptosystems from Threshold Fully Homomorphic ...
minh pham's user avatar
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Does FROST threshold signing go well with BIP340?

FROST is a popular threshold signing protocol for Schnorr-style signatures. BIP340 is a specification for an instantiation of a Schnorr-style signature scheme for Bitcoin Taproot. Specifically, they ...
mti's user avatar
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Can parties in an MPC protocol establish a shared secret with an external party?

Creating a shared secret(ECDH) with a single private key is easy: a·B = b·A Does the same apply to MPC? and if so how? Based on Gennaro and Goldfeder CCS 2018
sartoshi nagamoto's user avatar
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what is exactly the meaning of fairness in MPC?

According to this paper , Gordon, D., Hazay, C., Katz, J., Lindell, Y.: Complete fairness in secure two-party computation. In: Proc. 40th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC) (2008) ...
Rui T.'s user avatar
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BGW Multiplication with byzantine adversaries

I have recently read about the BGW Multi-party Computation protocol, more specifically the multiplication gate by Gennaro et al (PDF here), however, some concepts raised questions. Context: From what ...
Miguel Faisca's user avatar
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threshold signature scheme that allows adding and removing members

Is there a threshold signature scheme (TSS) that a quorum in a group can sign, where members can dynamically join and leave, without changing the shared group public key? ECDSA, BLS, and Schnorr based ...
sinoTrinity's user avatar
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Threshold ed25519: How to export keys?

Consider ed25519 signing (RFC 8032). There, the private key is a 32-byte random value, and for signature generation, the 32-byte private key is first hashed and then the secret scalar and nonce are ...
mti's user avatar
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Threshold signature scheme for centralized group broadcast

I am looking for a threshold signature scheme (or similar proposals are happily accepted) that suits the following scenario: One Base Station is transmitting signed broadcast message to all members in ...
Tom's user avatar
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Does the participant-to-participant secret share in FROST distributed key generation need to remain confidential?

In its application of Shamir secret sharing, the FROST paper in Figure 1 Round 2 Step 1 requires each participant $P_i$ to securely send to each other participant $P_\ell$ a secret share $(\ell, f_i(\...
sander's user avatar
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Threshold encryption

Is there any (k,n)-threshold encryption scheme, such that the decryption process is non-interactive, i.e., the decryption can be processed "in a line" where each party "in the middle of ...
Doron's user avatar
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Impact of New Secret Sharing Paper with $O(n)$ additions for recovery

I hope this question is not too speculative. Applebaum, Nir and Pinkas have a new paper which has an $n-$party secret sharing scheme with: reconstruction complexity of $O(n)$ additions constant share ...
kodlu's user avatar
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Threshold Paillier encryption key generation time

I have used the threshold version of Paillier encryption without a trusted dealer in an application. I have tested the key generation phase with different security key sizes such as 80, 512, 1024, and ...
Tooba's user avatar
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Can you re-encrypt data without knowing what the data is or using PRE?

I'm currently working on a distributed consensus-based system. I currently give the system a private key through a threshold encryption model, and I want to be able to take some data encrypted with ...
Marston's user avatar
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Question about Threshold signature scheme "GG18"

I recently read the article on the threshold signature scheme “Fast Multiparty Threshold ECDSA with Fast Trustless Setup” and I have a question. In the key generation section, each player $P_i$ ...
Leila Shafiee's user avatar
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order of Lagrange interpolation in reconstruction of secret key

Does the order of Lagrange interpolation have any role in reconstructing the secret key in Shamir's secret share?
user109119's user avatar
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Which channel protocol should I use to broadcast the message between parties?

I am building the Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS) based wallet. I would like to run the each party's node separately with different host. And these nodes should be able to send the messages through ...
thant zin tun's user avatar
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Use Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme to split a key between a client, a server and multiple 3rd parties

I'm trying to design an encryption system for a new mobile app and am thinking of using Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme in a way which I have not seen before. Does this seem possible or does it violate ...
glesage's user avatar
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Implementing ECDSA threshold using a secret sharing scheme

My question might be a duplicate but I wasn't able to find a similar question. I recently developed a wallet-like app and I am trying to implement some MPC features. I searched a little and even asked ...
misaq saadat's user avatar
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Shamir's secret sharing homomorphism for different degree polynomials

The $(t,n)$ Shamir’s polynomial based secret sharing scheme is $(+,+)$-homomorphic in which the addition of two polynomials secrets equals the Lagrange’s interpolation of the sum-of-shares for the ...
Mona's user avatar
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Increase encryption key length in Shamir secret sharing

Can Shamir's secret sharing work on any size of key?
CipherNewbie's user avatar
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Is there any threshold-crypto library that is production-ready?

I am wondering if there is any available threshold crypto library that is well-audited and ready to be used in production. Any pointer is appreciated.
threshold_crypto_library's user avatar
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What are the uses of shared cipher texts and signatures?

In Distributed Key Generation(DKG), why is there a need to actually create a master secret which can then derive into a single public and private keypair(for signatures) and a secret key(encryption)? ...
Hern's user avatar
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Is there a Ed25519 threshold signature protocol similar to the Gennaro-Goldfeder schema for ECDSA?

I keep searching online and asking in different cryptographic communities whether there is a similar threshold signature schema (or a close one) to what Gennaro and Goldfeder proposed for ECDSA? ...
Max's user avatar
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Sage code for finding generator matrix of MDS code

Let $L$ be an $[n,k]$ code. A $k\times n$ matrix $G$ whose rows form a basis for $L$ is called a generator matrix for $L$. A linear $[n,k,d]$ code with largest possible minimum distance is called ...
Laba Sa's user avatar
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BGW multiplication by Gennaro et al.: Why does H(x) have exactly degree t and why is $2t + 1 \le n$ necessary?

With this question I am referring to the BGW multiplication by Gennaro et al (PDF here). The multiplication is described on the 4th page. (Another source for me was "A pragmatic Introduction to ...
ht332932's user avatar
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Threshold implementation of ciphers

What is the principle behind threshold implementation of block ciphers and how is this protecting against side channel attacks?
Evgeni Vaknin's user avatar
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Gennaro & Goldfeder Key Generation Protocol

As I am going through the “Fast Multiparty Threshold ECDSA with Fast Trustless Setup” paper by Gennaro & Goldfeder, 2018, I am stumbled by the key generation protocol (Sect. 4.1, p.10): In Phase ...
bazzilic's user avatar
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Coin tosses in the context of commitment schemes

I was reading the “Fast Multiparty Threshold ECDSA with Fast Trustless Setup” paper by Gennaro & Goldfeder, 2018 and I encountered this portion (Sect. 2.4, p.6): This excerpt leaves me slightly ...
bazzilic's user avatar
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Are Shamir shares independent?

Assume we have a secret $s \in Z_p$. We generate the set of secret shares $\{ (x_i, s_i) \}_{i=1}^{N}$ according to a $(N,k)$ Shamir's scheme. The evaluations are generated according to the following ...
Erfan Hosseini's user avatar
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Threshold Signature with Accumulation Scheme?

Is there a threshold signature scheme that can be accumulated? That is, given a message $M$ signed by $k-1$ parties and the $(k-1)$-threshold signature $\sigma_{k-1}$, a party can verify $\sigma_{k-1}$...
xzl's user avatar
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summation problem?

Let there are two given numbers $x,y$ which is $A=x+y$ and we know just $A$. How we can find this just $x$ and $y$? If you suppose $a$ a random number, then we know $x_1=a$ and $y_1=A-a$ satisfies in $...
Ruholla Kh's user avatar
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Distributed Random Oracle with Verifiable Shares

$Setup$: Let's assume a quorum of $n$ nodes where each have a secret share $y_i$ from a know and safe leaderless DKG protocol. Define $\mathcal{L}^i(y_i) = y$ as the lagrange interpolation for $x=0$, ...
shumy's user avatar
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How to do unmasked addition on SSS masked shares?

I'm trying to understand how Shamir's Secret Sharing algorithm is applied to AES when doing threshold masking. I understand how the secrets are created and the secret is calculated and I'm now trying ...
Tarick Welling's user avatar
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Threshold signature verified by an equivalent key

I am looking for references for the following problem: Consider we have a DSA with the keypair $(sk, pk)$ and a message $m$, such that its signature is $s = sig(m,sk)$ and the verification result is $...
user87152's user avatar
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Understanding multiplication of Shamir secret sharing during threshold (EC)DSA signing

I have been looking at the threshold (EC)DSA schemes for honest majority by Gennaro et al. In the scheme, there are steps where we ...
HelenW's user avatar
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Secure Secret Sharing to a Distributed Key

Setup There are two groups, $A$ and $B$. Each group is in a Shamir's secret sharing scheme ($t_A$ of $N_A$ and $t_B$ of $N_B$). Each group has a public key that is associated with the identity of the ...
Aman Grewal's user avatar
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Would EdDSA be broken by replacing H(R, A, M) with H(A, M)?

An EdDSA signature is (R, S) where R = r*B and S = r + H(R, A, M)*s. Notation from Wikipedia Given that the hash function H, is indeed collision-resistant, would using S = ...
Frans Lundberg's user avatar
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Threshold Encryption Scheme for Multiple Messages

In a threshold encryption scheme, a dealer generates $(PK,SK1,…,SKn)$ and distributes the secret keys to users indexed by $1,…,n$, and if a combiner obtains $t+1$ partially-decrypted ciphertexts, it ...
hello world's user avatar
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Threshold lower than $\dfrac{n}{2}$ in distributed key generation

While I was studying protocols for distributed key generation with malicious adversaries, Gennaro et al.$^{[1]}$ pointed out that the protocols that provide both secrecy and robustness should have a ...
yoshi 's user avatar
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Black-box secret sharing schemes

Do black box secret sharing schemes [DF90, DF94] have any advantages over the better-known secret sharing schemes like Shamir’s [Sham79]? [DF90]: Threshold cryptosystems, by Desmedt, Yvo and Frankel, ...
Mathdropout's user avatar
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Problems on ANF equation?

I tried to solve SBox as given in this link I am trying to understand this paper SBox. In this on page no.4 the correct equation of given SBox is mentioned. I am not getting how to design ANF equation ...
mahima bhatnagar's user avatar
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Generate ANF equation? [duplicate]

Given an SBox, how can I generate its component equations (in ANF)? given in this link: For example, let's say I have this SBox: $$\{1, a, 4, c ,6 ,...
mahima bhatnagar's user avatar
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Privacy preserving aggregation of encrypted data

I have the following problem: I have $t$ servers $S_1, S_2, S_3, \ldots, S_t$, each of them storing some $key : value$ list. They have to upload this data into a big dropbox server $D$, but in such a ...
Ziva's user avatar
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Practical Threshold Signatures

In Practical Threshold Signature it says that there is a requirement in which the RSA public exponent $e$ must be more than $l$. $l$ in this case is the number of players in the threshold group. My ...
brianinhk's user avatar
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Which groups are secure for DL-Problem?

I was wondering why some groups provide more security to cryptosystems relying on DL-Problem.
WonderHow20's user avatar
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Is this distributed random oracle scheme safe?

This question comes from an issue raised in another question: Non interactive threshold signature without bilinear pairing (is it possible)? Is the proposed random oracle model safe when trying to ...
shumy's user avatar
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Derived keys usable by threshold signatures

Suppose there are $n$ members in a $(t,n)$ threshold signature scheme. The global secret key $sk$ is not known to any single party, as the keys are generated distributed. The parties are able to ...
Bernd Strehl's user avatar
3 votes
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Threshold decryption in multi-key homomorphic encryption

I have a problem understanding the security of threshold decryption in multi-key homomorphic encryption (MKHE) with so called "noise flooding". In particular I think that it is not secure, so probably ...
Tilen Marc's user avatar
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In a shamir secret sharing scheme, why can't the secret be a middle coefficient and only the first or the last?

In the shamir secret sharing scheme, the Secret s is set as the constant in the equation $ y_p = s+ \sum_{i=0}^{i = t-1} a_i * x_p^i$ s can only be the constant term or the last coefficient or the ...
ackbar03's user avatar