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About The Threshold Signature Scheme in the Paper "Threshold Cryptosystems from Threshold Fully Homomorphic Encryption"

I have read the paper "Threshold Cryptosystems from Threshold Fully Homomorphic Encryption" [BGG+17] and would like to ask about the threshold signature scheme construction in Section 8.2. ...
minh pham's user avatar
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About NIZK with Preprocessing

This is the first time I ask a question on StackExchange, so please forgive me for any mistake. I am trying to understand the paper "Threshold Cryptosystems from Threshold Fully Homomorphic ...
minh pham's user avatar
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Which channel protocol should I use to broadcast the message between parties?

I am building the Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS) based wallet. I would like to run the each party's node separately with different host. And these nodes should be able to send the messages through ...
thant zin tun's user avatar
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Privacy preserving aggregation of encrypted data

I have the following problem: I have $t$ servers $S_1, S_2, S_3, \ldots, S_t$, each of them storing some $key : value$ list. They have to upload this data into a big dropbox server $D$, but in such a ...
Ziva's user avatar
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Derived keys usable by threshold signatures

Suppose there are $n$ members in a $(t,n)$ threshold signature scheme. The global secret key $sk$ is not known to any single party, as the keys are generated distributed. The parties are able to ...
Bernd Strehl's user avatar
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Threshold signatures vs. certificate authority+voting verification

Perhaps a silly question, but I am wondering what the advantages are of threshold signatures. Let's consider the following two signature schemes: $(t,n)$-threshold signature with a trusted dealer, i....
Joe Bebel's user avatar
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