Update: The question below was asked before I realized that this is being done to prevent a side channel attack: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-5p8v-2xvp-pwmc
What I am still curious about, is the math behind why this solution still works to decrypt Elgamal ciphertext.
Original Question:
libgcrypt elgamal decryption introduces a random number to perform decryption. Can anyone explain to my how this is working? I have posted the edited source code showing just the relevant operations. skey->p
is the prime modulus, skey->x
is the secret key of the receiver, and the encrypted message is (a,b)
. I don't understand the introduction of r
to perform the decryption here. I would have thought t1=a^x mod p
would have been sufficient. then the message could be calculated as b*t1^-1 mod p
/* We need a random number of about the prime size. The random
number merely needs to be unpredictable; thus we use level 0. */
_gcry_mpi_randomize (r, nbits, GCRY_WEAK_RANDOM);
/* t1 = r^x mod p */
mpi_powm (t1, r, skey->x, skey->p);
/* t2 = (a * r)^-x mod p */
mpi_mulm (t2, a, r, skey->p);
mpi_powm (t2, t2, skey->x, skey->p);
mpi_invm (t2, t2, skey->p);
/* t1 = (t1 * t2) mod p*/
mpi_mulm (t1, t1, t2, skey->p);
mpi_mulm (output, b, t1, skey->p);
It is from this commit: https://github.com/gpg/libgcrypt/blob/410d70bad9a650e3837055e36f157894ae49a57d/cipher/elgamal.c
The source code starts at line 523
The most recent 1.9 release version of the file is here: https://github.com/gpg/libgcrypt/blob/LIBGCRYPT-1.9-BRANCH/cipher/elgamal.c
Starting at line 511, I can now see that there are additional lines to provide exponent blinding. What is blinding, how does it work, and why does this still provide a valid solution?
/* We need a random number of about the prime size. The random
number merely needs to be unpredictable; thus we use level 0. */
_gcry_mpi_randomize (r, nbits, GCRY_WEAK_RANDOM);
/* Also, exponent blinding: x_blind = x + (p-1)*r1 */
_gcry_mpi_randomize (r1, nbits, GCRY_WEAK_RANDOM);
mpi_set_highbit (r1, nbits - 1);
mpi_sub_ui (h, skey->p, 1);
mpi_mul (x_blind, h, r1);
mpi_add (x_blind, skey->x, x_blind);
/* t1 = r^x mod p */
mpi_powm (t1, r, x_blind, skey->p);
/* t2 = (a * r)^-x mod p */
mpi_mulm (t2, a, r, skey->p);
mpi_powm (t2, t2, x_blind, skey->p);
mpi_invm (t2, t2, skey->p);
/* t1 = (t1 * t2) mod p*/
mpi_mulm (t1, t1, t2, skey->p);
mpi_free (x_blind);
mpi_free (h);
mpi_free (r1);
mpi_free (r);
mpi_free (t2);
#else /*!USE_BLINDING*/
/* output = b/(a^x) mod p */
mpi_powm (t1, a, skey->x, skey->p);
mpi_invm (t1, t1, skey->p);
#endif /*!USE_BLINDING*/
mpi_mulm (output, b, t1, skey->p);