I was reading the paper One-way Accumulators: A Decentralized Alternative to Digital Signatures by Benaloh and de Mare [link], and in section 4.2, they say that given $z\in (\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})^*$ and a set $$\{(z^{1/m_1}, m_1),(z^{1/m_2}),\dots, (z^{1/m_k}, m_k)\}$$ with $m_i \in \mathbb{Z}$, computing $z^{1/r}$ for $r \in \mathbb{Z}$ is hard, which I get since the order of $(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})^*$ is unknown.
However, they say that the problem becomes easy if $r \mid m_1m_2\cdots m_k$, and I do not get how it becomes easy.
For the case $k=1$, we have $z, (z^{1/m_1}, m_1) \text{ and } r \mid m_1$, this is easy since $m_1 = k\cdot r$ for $k\in \mathbb{Z}$ and $(z^{1/m_1})^k = z^{1/r}$
For the case $k=2$, when we have $ m_1 m_2 = k^\prime \cdot r$, we can compute $z^{1/m_1}z^{1/m_2} = z^{(m_1+m_2)/m_1m_2}$ and get $z^{(m_1+m_2)/r}$. However, I do not know how to get rid of the value $m_1+m_2$ to obtain $z^{1/r}$
The case $k>2$ seems even harder.
Any hint on how to move forward will be welcomed