According to the website,
In the ‘counter mode’ used in this implementation, a counter which changes with each block is first encrypted, and the result is bitwise xor’d with the plaintext block to get the ciphertext block (so the plaintext is not actually directly encrypted). A unique ‘nonce’ is incorporated in the counter to ensure different ciphertexts are always generated from the same plaintext every time it is encrypted; this number is stored at the head of the ciphertext to enable decryption. A combination of seconds since 1 Jan 1970, a millisecond-timestamp, and a sub-millisecond random number gives a very effective nonce. (To resist cryptographic attacks, the nonce does not need to be secret or unpredictable, but it is imperative that it is unique). In this implementation, the initial block holds the nonce in the first 8 bytes, and the block count in the second 8 bytes…
So, it says that the “nonce is stored in the cipher text to enable decryption”. Is that true for every AES CTR mode implementation? And if we want to decrypt a certain block from the middle, do we first have to extract the nonce from the first 8 bytes and the block count from the following 8 bytes?