This is a type of chosen-plaintext attack, where the adversary gets partial choice of plaintexts — they can cause the same substring to be encrypted multiple times.
AES-CTR, if used properly, is resistant to chosen-plaintext attacks.
Used properly, for CTR mode, means that the same counter value must not be reused for different messages. For example, if one message is 48 bytes (3 blocks) long and is encrypted with the starting counter value 12, this uses up counter values {12, 13, 14}. Other messages must never use those counter values; for example, another 3-block message may use {9, 10, 11}, but not {14, 15, 16}.
CTR encryption calculates $N_i \oplus P_i$ where $N_i$ is the counter value for the $i$th block of the message and $P_i$ is the plaintext. If a counter value is repeated ($N_i = N_j$ with $i \ne j$, whether within the same message or in different messages encrypted with the same key), the xor of the two ciphertexts is $(N_i \oplus P_i) \oplus (N_j \oplus P_j) = P_i \oplus P_j$; if the plaintext for one of the blocks is known or guessed then so is the plaintext for the other block.