
(Layman's terms please, I'm just a kid stuck on a puzzle)

I'm trying to factor the following RSA256 public key to find the corresponding private key:


I got as far as downloading a YAFU factorization program found here, which I was told is capable of factoring such a key in 103 seconds on a core i7. This program works great for factoring base 10 numbers, but I have no idea how to use it on a RSA key. Any help would be hugely appreciated. Thanks!

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ What you have is Base64-encoded. Decode it to hex, you'll find a familiar ASN.1 formatting indicative of PKCS#1 format. Peel that away and you'll get your value of $n$, in hexadecimal. Now convert that to something your factoring tool can process, such as base 10. $\endgroup$
    – fgrieu
    Commented Apr 19, 2017 at 5:31

2 Answers 2


There are various ways of doing this. Let's assume you're using Python.

  1. Start by installing PyCrypto. This includes a lot of useful tools.

  2. You need to convert the raw base64 string into a readable RSA key file. This is easily done:

    -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
    -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

    Save this to a file called, for example, rsa256.pub.

  3. Import this key into Python and extract the values of $n$ and $e$:

    from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
    key = RSA.importKey(open('rsa256.pub').read())
    print key.n, key.e
  4. Now factorize $n$. YAFU sounds perfect for the job. (I use msieve, which also works well.) On a decent computer, it should only take a few minutes to break a 256-bit modulus. This will give you two factors. Call the larger one $p$ and the smaller one $q$.

  5. Back in Python, you need to run a bit of code to calculate the decryption exponent $d$. You should then have sufficient information to generate a private key:

    def egcd(a, b):
        """Extended Euclidean algorithm"""
        x,y,u,v = 0,1,1,0
        while a != 0:
            q, r = b // a, b % a
            m, n = x - u * q, y - v * q
            b,a,x,y,u,v = a,r,u,v,m,n
        return b, x, y
    def modinv(e, m):
        """Modular multiplicative inverse"""
        g, x, y = egcd(e, m) 
        if g != 1:
            return None
            return x % m
    def pqe2rsa(p, q, e):
        """Generate an RSA private key from p, q and e"""
        from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
        n = p * q
        phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
        d = modinv(e, phi)
        key_params = (long(n), long(e), long(d), long(p), long(q))
        priv_key = RSA.construct(key_params)
        print priv_key.exportKey()

    Call pqe2rsa() with the values of $p$ and $q$ from step 4 and the value of $e$ from step 3, and you should get a private key.


Use RsaCtfTool: https://github.com/Ganapati/RsaCtfTool, to force the "Yafu" method, add the "--attack siqs" option. You have to perform step 2 from the previous answer.

Here is the command:

root@hi# ./RsaCtfTool.py --publickey publicKey.txt --private --verbose  --attack siqs
[*] Performing siqs attack.
[*] Yafu SIQS is working.

Time elapsed (from the log file):

12/24/19 11:10:09 v1.34.5 @ hi, prp39 = 260436577402156008758227210148551506407
12/24/19 11:10:09 v1.34.5 @ hi, prp39 = 294877806852892942790124409850407821443
12/24/19 11:10:09 v1.34.5 @ hi, Lanczos elapsed time = 1.8100 seconds.
12/24/19 11:10:09 v1.34.5 @ hi, Sqrt elapsed time = 0.0200 seconds.
12/24/19 11:10:09 v1.34.5 @ hi, SIQS elapsed time = 2.0205 seconds.

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