This question is only relevant if you choose $p,q$ in a non-standard way. The standard way to choose $p,q$ is to choose them as two independent random $k/2$-bit numbers. If you do it the standard way, the question is not relevant (the probability that $|p-q|$ is too small is negligible -- and is dominated by the chances of other kinds of failures).
This question would be relevant if you were choosing $p,q$ in some funny way that had an unusually high probability of making $|p-q|$ be unusually small. Yes, you can quantify how much easier this makes factoring. For instance, the Fermat factoring method works as follows: for $a=\lceil \sqrt{n} \rceil, \lceil \sqrt{n} \rceil+1, \lceil \sqrt{n} \rceil+2,\dots$, it checks whether $n/a^2$ is a perfect square; if so, it has factored $n$.
We can analyze the running time of Fermat's method. Let $\epsilon=(p/\sqrt{n}) - 1$, so that $p=\sqrt{n}(1+\epsilon)$ and $q=\sqrt{n}/(1+\epsilon)=\sqrt{n}(1-\epsilon+\epsilon^2-\cdots)$. Fermat's method succeeds when $a=(p+q)/2=\sqrt{n}(1+\epsilon^2/2-\cdots)$. In other words, it requires $\approx \sqrt{n} \epsilon^2/2$ iterations. So, if you want this to take at least $2^{100}$ time, you need $\sqrt{n} \epsilon^2/2 \ge 2^{100}$, or equivalently, $\epsilon \ge 2^{50.5}/n^{1/4}$. Since $|p-q| \approx 2\sqrt{n}\epsilon$, this means we need $|p-q| \ge 2^{51.5} n^{1/4} = 2^{51.5} 2^{k/4}$.
In other words, if you want Fermat factoring to take at least $2^{100}$ time, you need $\Delta$ to be at least $2^{51.5} 2^{k/4}$. For a detailed derivation, see
- Cryptanalysis of RSA with small prime difference, Benne de Weger, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing (AAECC) vol 13 no 1 pp.17-28, 2002. See Section 3 (much of the rest is not relevant and addresses a different question).
See also the following paper, which says that $n$ can be factored in polynomial time if $|p-q| \le 2^{k/3}$:
For instance, the paper gives an example of a 1024-bit RSA modulus ($k=1024$). It says that if $p$ and $q$ are identical in their 171 most significant bits, then you can factor $n$. You can compare this to the requirement in the DSS standard, if you like.
But again, the right way to make this attack infeasible is to choose $p,q$ independently at random (as is the standard method). And if you choose $p,q$ in the proper way, the threat is rendered infeasible, and you don't need to worry about the size of $|p-q|$. For example, if you want a 2048-bit RSA key, choose a random 1024-bit key $p$, and then choose a 1024-bit key $q$. Don't worry about their difference; the mathematics say that they will have a sufficiently large difference.
I hope that this answers your question sufficiently.
I see that the DSS standard does contain the requirement that you mention. I think it is ill-considered, or perhaps not there for the reason you might think it is. It is true that if you chose a RSA modulus by picking $p$ and $q$ in some crazy way that made it likely $|p-q|$ would be small, then RSA would be insecure (there are factoring methods that can be used to factor $n$ in this circumstance). However, in that case the problem there would not be that you chose $p,q$ with a small difference: the problem would be that you failed to generate $p,q$ independently at random. So, don't do that. As long as you do generate $p,q$ properly, you don't need to separately check any condition on $|p-q|$; if $p,q$ are chosen randomly and independently at random, the chances that $|p-q|$ is too small is negligible (less than the chance of getting struck by lightning several times in a row, less than the chance of someone factoring your RSA modulus, etc.).
Why does the DSS contain this recommendation? I don't know. I think the recommendation is misguided and unnecessary.
Bottom line: the best answer to your question is to un-ask the question, as it contains some implicit assumptions that are not valid.