Since $g$ is generator then it is not square, otherwise cannot generate the group (See the bottom theorem). Therefore, as being a $\text{QNR}$, it's Legendre symbol is $−1$; $$\left(\frac{g}{p}\right) = -1 \tag{1}\label{r1}$$
Now, consider $g^a \bmod p$ and the Legendre calculation
$$\left(\frac{g^a}{p}\right) \equiv (g^a)^{\frac{p-1}{2}} \pmod p \quad \text{ and } \quad\left(\frac{g^a}{p}\right) \in \{-1,0,1\} \tag{2}\label{r2}$$
So, it can be $1$ or $-1$. Let's find out how to determine.
Now, Legendre is Multiplicative on it's top argument. I.e.
$$\left(\frac{ab}{p}\right) = \left(\frac{a}{p}\right)\left(\frac{b}{p}\right)\tag{3}\label{r3}$$
$g^a$ means multiply $g$ by $a$-times; combine (\ref{r1}) and (\ref{r2})
$$\left(\frac{g^a}{p}\right) = \underbrace{ \left(\frac{g}{p}\right)\cdots \left(\frac{g}{p}\right)}_{a-times} = \underbrace{ (-1)\cdots (-1)}_{a-times} = (-1)^a \tag{4}\label{r4}$$
If parity of $a$ is even, then the Legendre is $1$
If parity of $a$ is odd, then the Legendre is $-1$
Keep in mind that we don't need to determine $a$ here ( that is dLog and hard), we just use the result of the Legendre ( Eqn. \ref{r2}) to determine the parity with the fact that $(-1)^x= 1$ if $x$ is even, and $(-1)^x= -1$ if $x$ is odd.
Similarly, we can find the parity of $g^b$.
Now, we know the parity of $a$ and $b$ then we can find the parity of $ab$, thus this will leak the Legendre of $g^{ab}$ without knowing $g^{ab}$ by using Eqn. \ref{r4}.
Theorem: for an odd prime $p$, a generator $g$ cannot be Quadratic Residue. i.e. $\left(\frac{a}{p}\right) \neq 1$
Proof 1: For prime $p$ we have $\varphi(p)=p-1$ is even and we know that the multiplicative group $\pmod{p}$ has order $\varphi(p)$.
Let assume that $g$ is a square, i.e. $g=x^2$, then $x^{p-1}= g^{(p-1)/2} =1 \pmod{p}$.
On the other hand, if $g$ is a generator of the multiplicative group then it cannot have smaller power than $\varphi(p)$ equal to 1. i.e have $g^k\not=1\pmod{p}$ for $0<k<p-1$.
This is contradiction, so a generator $g$ cannot be a square.
Proof 2: If we assume that half of the elements are $\text{QR}$ and half are $\text{QNR}$, then using the fact that if we multiply a $\text{QR}$ with $\text{QR}$ then the result is $\text{QR}$, and this implies, a $\text{QR}$ cannot generate all the elements of the multiplicative group.
Note on the reverse of the theorem : The theorem states that being $\text{QNR}$ is a necessary condition, however, it is not sufficient. The number of generators of $\mathbb{Z}_{n}$ is studied and turns out to be $\varphi(\varphi(n))$. If we consider the $\mathbb{Z}_{571}$, then there are $\varphi(\varphi(571))= 144 < 285 = 570/2$ generators, so not every $\text{QNR}$ is a generator.
Example: Consider the $\mathbb{Z}_{571}^*$, where 571 is a prime number and $*$ indicates we consider the multiplicative group with the invertible elements.
Now, use the below SageMath code (try online)
rn = 571
R = Integers(rn)
g = R(2)
print("kronecker(g, rn)", kronecker(g,rn))
assert kronecker(g,rn) == -1
a = 23
kga = kronecker(g^a,rn)
print("kronecker(g^a, rn)", kga)
ap = 0
if kga == -1:
ap = 1
else :
ap = 0
print("parity of a = ", ap)
b = 33
kgb = kronecker(g^b,rn)
print("kronecker(g^b, rn)", kgb )
bp = 0
if kgb == -1:
bp = 1
else :
bp = 0
print("parity of = ", bp)
print("parity a*b =", ap*bp)
print("kronecker(g^ab, rn)", kronecker(g^(a*b),rn))
assert ((-1)^(ap*bp) ) == kronecker(g^(a*b),rn)
to test the claims ( remove the prints and make a loop to test more with from random import randrange
, a = randrange(rn)
, and b = randrange(rn)
Note that SageMath uses Kronecker Symbol which is a generalization of the Legendre Symbol that allows non-primes.