
I'm looking for a cheap symmetric encryption scheme that can basically be used as a signature scheme in zkSNARK.

I need two parties to jointly sign/encrypt to a message and prove to a third party in zkSNARK that they jointly produced the signature/encryption. Any multi-signature scheme like BLS or Schnorr would be perfect but I want something cheaper - hence, a symmetric encryption scheme. Since I'll be proving the validity of the encryption/commitment inside a zkSNARK, the third party shouldn't need to have a separate public key for verification. What's central is that the (secret) key needs to be split between the two signers.

  • $\begingroup$ You could just use threshold symmetric encryption where the two parties hold shares of the secret key. Though I doubt it will end up cheaper. Signature schemes from symmetric primitives tend to be quite complex, but they have improved a lot recently. See: faest.info $\endgroup$
    – lamontap
    Commented Aug 16 at 12:40


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