From my limited reading into LFSR based stream ciphers design there does not appear to be significant emphasis put upon an LFSR's polynomial feedback. At most[1] I see requirements that the polynomial feedback function be primitive over the relevant Galois field and potentially be kept secret as part of the key. Given this relative lack of constraint on the LFSR design, I believe that selecting a particularly sparse feedback polynomial would be ideal for such stream ciphers due to the low amount of gates required to implement this. Is there any reason to pick a maximal feedback polynomial that is more dense/requires more gates to implement?
PS: This question is in regards to parameterizing component LFSRs in LFSR based stream ciphers(ie constructions like SSG and ASG) in general, not using a linear combination(or just one) of LFSRs to generate keystream directly.
[1] Technically speaking you also need to make sure there are no negative interactions with other components like the initialization process as engineered in GEA-1, see