I'm making a small python program to encrypt an arbitrary text file.
Currently I have a file to store passwords (hashed values), so nothing stored in plaintext. The user enters the command line arguments of a flag '-e' or '-d' to encrypt or decrypt, and a filename and a password. The password to encrypt is different to the password to decrypt, one cannot be used for the other.
The encryption works although I'm not 100% sure I'm doing it correctly. I take the file and read through it line by line, appending each line to a list. Then making a random 128 bit IV using the hashed password the user entered as a key to encrypt each line. Then I write these lines to a new file and save the file.
I'm not sure I should be using the hashed password the user entered as the key to encrypt, because I'm saving the hashed value of the password the user entered in a password file to check against user input! (if that makes sense).
Anyway my main problem is decryption, because the file was encrypted with PASSWORD_ENCRYPT, and the user wants to decrypt with PASSWORD_DECRYPT, the two are not the same. So I don't have the key to decrypt the file?
Here's some code of my encryption.
backend = default_backend()
key = hashed_password
iv = os.urandom(16)
cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CFB(iv), backend=backend)
encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
lines_of_ct = [iv]
for each_line in list_of_incoming_lines:
b = each_line.encode('utf-8')
with open(file + ".enc", "w") as enc:
for each_line in lines_of_ct:
print(each_line, file=enc)
My question is, how can I decrypt the file with the user entering a different password for read access (decryption). Is there a way to safely append the original encryption password/key to the file so I can retrieve it and use it? Like I have done with the IV, I attached that to the star