If you really mean the public exponent, most likely, the exponent $e$ is small; in fact, it's usually one of $\{ 3, 17, 65537 \}$. Just calculate $m^e \mod N$ and check whether it equals $c$.
If you're trying to do this with the private exponent $d$, there's certainly no way you could guess $d$ in a reasonable time. You could do a discrete logarithm, as in poncho's answer, but this is probably infeasible as well.
However, it's probably still the case that $e$ is one of $\{ 3, 17, 65537 \}$. If $c$ is in fact $m^d \mod N$, flip the operation around and check to see whether $c^e \mod N = m$. This corresponds to the digital signature case.
Either way, if you can determine $e$, you can determine $d' = e^{-1} \mod \textrm{lcm}(p-1, q-1)$. The actual $d$ being used may be greater than that; any choice of $d = d' + k \textrm{ lcm}(p-1, q-1)$ for integer $k$ will function identically to $d'$ with RSA, so you can't determine exactly which is used.