The purpose of PBKDF2 is to create a derived key (DK) from a master password (PW) and a salt, often using a function like HMAC-SHA256. I have read that the salt should be as random as possible. But if that's the case, why does it play such a minor role?
I'll let the equations speak for themselves, starting with HMAC-SHA256:
$$\def\op{\operatorname}\def\0#1#2#3{\text{0×#2#3}} \op{HMAC-SHA256}( PW, m ) = \op{SHA256}( K_o ∥ \op{SHA256}( K_i ∥ m ) ) $$ where $$\begin{align*} K &= \begin{cases} PW &\textrm{if } \op{bytes}( PW ) = 64 \newline \op{SHA256}( PW ) ∥ [\0x00]_{32} &\textrm{if } \op{bytes}( PW ) > 64 \quad \textrm{ (32 zero bytes)} \newline PW ∥ [\0x00]_{64-\op{bytes}(PW)} & \textrm{if } \op{bytes}( PW ) < 64 \end{cases} \newline K_i &= K ⊕ [\0x36]_{64} \newline K_o &= K ⊕ [\0x5c]_{64} \newline \end{align*}$$
$$ \begin{align*} DK &= T_1 ∥ T_2 ∥ ... ∥ T_{\op{len}(DK)/\op{len}(T_i)} \newline T_i &= U_1^i ⊕ U_2^i ⊕ ... ⊕ U^i_{\text{iterations}} \newline U^i_1 &= \op{HMAC-SHA256}( PW, \op{salt} ∥ \op{INT32}( i ) ) \newline U^i_n &= \op{HMAC-SHA256}( PW, U^i_{n-1} ) \end{align*} $$
But watch what happens if the two are combined:
$$\begin{align*} U^i_1 &= \op{SHA256}( K_o ∥ \op{SHA256}( K_i ∥ \op{salt} ∥ \op{INT32}( i ) ) ) \newline U^i_2 &= \op{SHA256}( K_o ∥ \op{SHA256}( K_i ∥ \op{SHA256}( K_o ∥ \op{SHA256}( K_i ∥ \op{salt} ∥ \op{INT32}( i ) ) ) ) ) \newline & \dots \end{align*}$$
Or in pseudocode:
$$\begin{align*} &T[i] = 0 \newline &U = \op{salt} ∥ \op{INT32}(i) \newline &\text{for } n = 1 \text{ to }c: \newline &\qquad U = \op{SHA256}( K_i ∥ U ) \newline &\qquad U = \op{SHA256}( K_o ∥ U ) \newline &\qquad T[i] = T[i] ⊕ U \newline &\text{next }n \newline \end{align*}$$
So the salt is used only once per output block, while the master password is used twice per iteration (in the forms $K_o$ and $K_i$). I understand that the avalanche effect means a slight change in the initial hash input will have a significant impact on the hash output, but wouldn't it make sense to introduce as much entropy into the final result as possible?