Today, after reading so much about ring-LWE key exchange, I decided to implement it in java to see if it works. Not a real world implementation, just to see if math works out. My assumption was that writing a code would be simple given some sort of Polynomial ring. My assumption turned out to be wrong. I searched internet looking for basic uni-variate polynomial ring library and I found this. It looked simple and had some jUnit test already that code was passing. I copied the parameters from here. In short, $\mathbb{Z_{2^{23}-1}} / (x^{1024} + 1)$.
I followed Regev's basic reconciliation method and ran the code. Even if there is no error, the exchanged keys did not match. Obviously, something is wrong and I am certain it is from my code not the Polynomial ring library. Maybe I did not understand some fundamentals of ring-LWE. I attached the code here:
This is the link for GitHub repository. Any help would be appreciated. I don't know what I am doing wrong.
Math: dimension = 4 (arbitrary)
$A, S, S' = [rx^3 + rx^2 + rx + r,\\ rx^3 + rx^2 + rx + r,\\ rx^3 + rx^2 + rx + r,\\ rx^3 + rx^2 + rx + r]$
s.t. $r \in \mathbb{Z_{q}}$ (randomly generate)
$B = AS + error$, $B' = AS' + error$
$Shared key = SB' = S'B \to$ I did not use any error ($error =0$) but still shared key does not match.
dimension = 8 # arbitrary
modulus = 65537
R = PolynomialRing(GF(modulus), "X")
S = R.quotient(X^1024 + 1, "x")
A = generate_matrix(dimension, modulus)
S = generate_matrix(dimension, modulus)
S_ = generate_matrix(dimension, modulus)
B = A.transpose()*S
B_ = A.transpose()*S_
alice = S*B_
bob = S_*B
print alice == bob # returns false
Update: I tried to write the code in sage (without any error) and still something is wrong. I am now sure my math is wrong. This is the link for sage code.