Without access to the standard I cannot verify, but prefixing a random value won't influence the output of the ciphertext of the PIN when using AES-CTR. So yes, you'd need an IV.
Prefixing a value may or may not influence the ciphertext of the PIN itself produced by the mode of operation. For AES-CBC this is certainly the case as the ciphertext block itself is used as a vector for the next operation. For AES-CTR this is however not the case; the random value will just be encrypted by XOR'ing it with the key stream.
It seems that either the standard would want you to choose a specific block cipher or that it is simply incorrect. Prefixing or appending anything to the PIN doesn't do anything for you if counter mode encryption is used.
Prefixing a (16 byte) random IV to the ciphertext however does make sense. You need at least a unique value for each PIN; if the encryption is deterministic (i.e. is only calculated using the PIN) then an attacker will (at least) be able to distinguish identical PIN numbers; there are often only 10000 values - or less if some PIN values are excluded - to choose from.
For reference I'll include a picture of the CTR mode of operation:
As you can see you need to change the nonce/counter value to influence the ciphertext for a particular plaintext. Prefixing or appending any value to the plaintext message won't make a difference.
For instance, replace the first plaintext block with an IV value, you can see that the second block is not changed at all as the blocks of plaintext / ciphertext are completely independent. And if you consider the XOR operation you can even deduce that each bit of plaintext/ciphertext is completely independent of the other one (unless the cipher is broken).
This is why prefixing / appending a value to the plaintext won't act as an IV in itself.