If we how to recover the previous state of SHA-256 with less than $2^{254}$ expected effort (as measured by number of hash compression operations), then we can find SHA-256 preimages with less than $2^{256}$ expected effort, and hence would be a weakening in the expected SHA-256 cryptographical strength.
Here's how this works; suppose that we can find the previous state with expected effort $M < 2^{254}$. Then, what we do is select two blocks (with appropriate SHA-256 padding in place for a 56 - 119 byte hash), and find the previous state for those two blocks from the target state; expected effort $2M < 2^{255}$.
Then, we would try various initial 64 byte blocks, and compute a forward hash compression operation on them (using the standard IV); we "win" if the resulting state is either of the previous states from the previous step. If we assume that the SHA-256 hash compression functions acts like a random number, then the probability of any guess of the initial block would succeed with probability $2^{-255]$; hence this takes an expected $2^{255}$ hash compression operations.
If we find a match, we can immediately construct a message (consisting of the initial block that won, along with the final block that matched it) that SHA-256 hashes to the target value.
Total expected effort: $2M + 2^{255} < 2^{256}$
Obviously, if $M$ is significantly less than $2^{254}$, then we'd generate considerably more than 2 final blocks and intermediate states.
I did skip over the point that it's possible that there is no intermediate state that is mapped to the final state via the message block we chose. This would decrease the limit that $M$ can be somewhat...