It sort of depends on what you are using it for.
You would think that openssl's PRNG, rand, would be
cryptographically secure, and I'm sure it's plenty fast.
But I couldn't help but notice a regular preponderance
of repeated hex digits in every call to openssl rand, using
a value of 16 (for AES 128 purposes). Given that the average
intel chip comes with AES round calculations in silicon, for
extra speed, it does seem like the search space for brute
forcing AES (without the benefit of the RSA-encrypted key)
has been made smaller by this repetition.
If you know that 3 of your 32 4-bit possibilities will
be repeated FOUR times (or more!) you do save some time
doing a brute force. If I knew in advance that 31 of
the 32 nybbles would be repeated, I would only have to
check 4096 different keys. (as an extreme example)
I once counted 9 repeated digits on one generation.
I know the goal is for a random distribution, but
when you only have 128 bits, that's not always good enough.
So I imagine even at mind-blowing speeds, there's room for
side-channel surprises. Good luck!
Here's some results I just generated on the fly:
user0@ii:~$ openssl rand 16 -hex
000011223489aabbcccdddEEEEEEffff (6,4x2)
user0@ii:~$ openssl rand 16 -hex
001133345555666677778899aabbbcff (4x3)
user0@ii:~$ openssl rand 16 -hex
012222344577788899aaaaccccdddeef (4x3)
user0@ii:~$ openssl rand 16 -hex
00001112345677778aaaabDDDDDDefff (6,4x3)
user0@ii:~$ openssl rand 16 -hex
012222334445556667788889abcdddde (4x3)