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Which is the smallest safe elliptic curve (bit-length)?

At some elliptic curves are listed which passed certain security tests. The smallest bit-length of a safe curve listed there is 221 bits. At wiki page discrete logarithm ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Index calculus over elliptic curve over function field

According to my understanding there are some pretty solid seeming roadblocks to carrying out an index calculus on an elliptic curve over a finite field. The general strategy is to take points over $E(\...
rondo9's user avatar
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How the mimc bug from circomlib was safely exploited to fake the merkle root in the witness in practice?

Several years ago, there was an unenforced constraint on verification in the cirmcomlib library : a tool for building projects using ZsNarks. The error allowed to forge cryptographic nullifiers/proofs ...
user2284570's user avatar
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Encrypt using ECDH with two different EC public keys, minimizing payload size

Let's say Alice has the private EC keys $a$ and $b$, with a base point of prime order $G$. Alice computes the corresponding public keys $A = aG$ and $B = bG$, and sends them to Bob. Bob now wants to ...
esneider's user avatar
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Using the same private key for two ECC key pairs

Let $(d_1,Q_1)$ and $(d_2,Q_2)$ be ECC key pairs over two different elliptic curves (say NIST P-224 and NIST P-256). According to the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP), if the private ...
user12778's user avatar
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Security of an Elliptic Curve Public Key with a "Small" x-coordinate

Consider an elliptic curve over a finite field $F_p$ with $p$ prime and order $n$. Let $Q$ be a generator for the field. Given a public key point $P = aQ$, suppose we have an algorithm that finds an ...
Adam's user avatar
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Is generating random blake256 hashes until packed points is on the curve, a safe algorithm to avoid the discrete log between the generated points?

I know there’re many questions that ask how to safely HashToCurve, but I want to know if the method I found in an actual implementation is secured against the ...
user2284570's user avatar
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Is it possible to get the negative point with −x in that version of the Pedersen hash over the BaybyJubJub curve?

The Pedersen hash is a low constraints friendly hash for Zk-Snarks. Unlike many algorithms, the Pedersen hash returns a point P = (x,y) on a curve as a hash. ...
user2284570's user avatar
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Preserving location privacy

What are cryptographic techniques that could be used so that if I wanna to enable a server to send message to certain nodes in a network with preserving the privacy location for them ??
Mohamed's user avatar
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Found weil pairing. Index Calculus method on the results of weil pairing

Consider Elliptic curve with p = 59, A = 1, B= 0, P = (25,30) and Q=(35,31). So I tried to solve this using MOV attack. The torsion point for them E[5] is R(-25,30i) where is sqroot -1 Chosen two ...
Rashmi's user avatar
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Polynomial Inversion over Galois Field

Hello guys I am looking to calculate the Inverse of a given polynomial in Galois field I have found the little Fermat's algorithm and the Itoh-Tsujii I am getting a bit confused with both algorithm ...
user3368764's user avatar