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Does FROST threshold signing go well with BIP340?

FROST is a popular threshold signing protocol for Schnorr-style signatures. BIP340 is a specification for an instantiation of a Schnorr-style signature scheme for Bitcoin Taproot. Specifically, they ...
mti's user avatar
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Before Bitcoin what was the motivation for researching key aggregation multisig and threshold schemes?

The motivation for key aggregation multisig and threshold schemes (e.g. MuSig(2), FROST etc) in Bitcoin is obvious. Signatures are a large part of every transaction, all the nodes on the network are ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
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How would a malicious group of co-signers use a hash collision to sign an unintended message?

According to BIP340: However, a major drawback of this optimization is that finding collisions in a short hash function is easy. This complicates the implementation of secure signing protocols in ...
scottmsul's user avatar
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Related Key Attack on Schnorr Signature - Why does the challenge include $\psi = g^x$, not $y$?

The original Schnorr signature scheme suffers from a Related Key Attack (RKA) as described by Morita et al. The authors of this paper then suggest a modification to the signature algorithm to prevent ...
YGrade's user avatar
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Monero Ring CT sj calculation

For a university project, I am currently implementing the RingCT Ring signatures as used in Monero (before the introduction of Bulletproofs) as laid out in this paper. To close the ring we calculate ...
Jakob Nielsen's user avatar